Friday, 19 July 2013

Go Groundhogs!

There is a character (two actually) in How to Succeed that knits. It's Mr. Biggley, my boss in the show. They needed a knitted prop, so I gladly volunteered! I made half a scarf (he "knits" the other half throughout the show) with the letter G on it. G stands for Groundhogs, his college school's sports team.

It took a long time for me to design the scarf, even though it looks pretty basic. Our venue is huge, so I wanted the "G" to be legible from the back of the house. I tried intarsia, I tried crocheting the scarf - neither seemed to look right. I finally decided on a simple stockinette stitch with a garter stitch border. Then I crocheted the G separately, outlined it in red to give it some pop, and sewed it on to the scarf. But wait, it wasn't thick enough to lay properly, so I ripped it back and started again, this time holding two strands of yarn together. I got the thickness, but it made the stockinette curl even more than usual. So I crocheted a casing for two chopsticks and sewed them to the back of the scarf. So that when Mr. Biggley pulls it out and throws it over the desk it lays perfectly. I futzed around with it for some time and finally, finally was happy with the end result. The things I do for my craft!

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